There are many repeated elements in these (poems),simply these elements are the muse that sustains my thought. My favorite form of poetry is the epic. From this I borrowed the style that narrates a story but due to a turbulent mind and a mercurial muse, many of these (poems) lack the length that is characteristic of the epic.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The rebirth of hope

In the dreary afterthought of silence,
In the calm after a storm
A sliver of gold crept through,
And a little being took form
A metamorphosis was complete,
The earth rotated slowly
shifted into the west at noon
sunlight pierced through a
sliver in the small cocoon
The drop of rain suspended on a leaf
A viscous diamond,
dazzling the sleeping babe.
The little being began to awaken
The grey heavy mist of despair
Began to lift softly like
the tendrils of smoke
From a flickering flame.
In a hollow tube,
surrounded by silent threads
This little being stretched
And shifted and grazed
a delicate paper thin
wing against the hard shell.
A tiny little cracking , echoed through
The little shell.
The little one looked out onto the world and was awed
By the captivating hues that surrounded him,
Colors every where mixed and rare,
The intoxicating reflection of the blue captured in the sky
Then suddenly there was a cloud that
blocked out the view of the little one
storm clouds thundered and there was a war
blood gushed about and fell on the leaves of that plant
the little one peeking out from his little cocoon
with eyes innocent and bright
pleaded with the creator,
keep me here with you
It is hectic there, in here your embrace
I was kept warm and snug
but don't send me out there
the creator smiled and assured the little one
trust in me and you will be safe,
let the angry ones destroy what they can,
they have forgotten my name
but soon I will show
that murder is not the way to attain my grace
but rather surrender like you did little one,
I created you to be beautiful
do not worry about the predators, they will always be there
but look too at the flowers I put in the garden for your delight
everyone craves what is beautiful, you are rare
you have my blessing, take your flight with care

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Eye of the Storm

A storm rages in my soul.
A broken heart, empty
I finally let you go
But now this void, presents
Loneliness my uttermost foe.

A ruthless mind, spurned by grief
Fights with a heart longing,
Wanting to keep you trapped.
Waves of love
upon the ominous jagged
Rocks of deception.

To hate you, I cannot do,
The unbearable ceaseless salty raindrops,
Pummel from pools of grief onto
Soft memories,
slashing, tearing
Leaving only the bitter driftwood
Pain inscribed.

I look into your eyes the storm is quelled
You do not love me anymore
Of that, I’m sure.
The mind consoles the wounded heart,
Grieving for Loved drowned in the salty sea
I am setting you free.

New love will be born, maybe.
I have one wish for you,
Because I’ve suffered for two,
May this storm steer clear of your course,
And love be safe harbor.
I know that buried under
a sea of tears and regret,
My soul keeps your love forever.

-----------Nandi (11-01-01)

A proposal

Your proposal Sire,
Caused a blush to peek.
I think about you and smile,
The endearments you whispered
Tainted by your proposal.
Yet my heart quickens,
I would Sire, succumb,
And realize your every desire.
For you see darling,
This blush pink in hue
Is but a deception,
Exposed by few.
Masking cravings deep within.
The coupling of insatiable Desire’s greed,
We would gladly feed.
I would accept your proposal Sire
And repay your courtesy due.
But, my alluring liar,
We share a painful secret,
Ah! Your love is untrue.


Saturday, April 01, 2006


As the Sun dipped into the sea,
and Moon smiled at the world,
She lay in the darkness listening
To the sighing of her soul.

Tragedies from the day,
slowly faded into nothingness.
Eyes lazily closed,
In an instant as her mind
lost its clutch on her heart
a through a door that
materialized in this stillness
He came.

In this world,
in her dreams he reigned.
Eyes widened in a heartfelt surrender,
this illusion captured in every breath,
every heartbeat called out to him.

In a heart, surrendering,
a shroud of darkness crept in,
smoldering this blossoming dream.
She conceded to the bitter truth.

Where even in her this world
she cannot have him.
She wept painfully, from her soul
Tears began to flow,
sealing the portal forever.

In her heart a dungeon of pain
replaces this dream,
the mortar of grief
bound her to reason.

She is expected to be cast of stone
with a heart, colder than
an arctic chill.

He knows nothing of her fears,
Her tears concealed from him,
Anguish masked by dark eyes.
In his world, she is cruel,
caught up in a web of wicked games,
The passionate knight sighs,
servant to the black queen,
simply a pawn to her corrupt lies...

Once again those eyes close,
and in the weakness of sleep,
for an instant, there is softness
and compassion in that cold heart,
a forgiveness evades the air
and he enters once again.

Nandi 01-02-03