There are many repeated elements in these (poems),simply these elements are the muse that sustains my thought. My favorite form of poetry is the epic. From this I borrowed the style that narrates a story but due to a turbulent mind and a mercurial muse, many of these (poems) lack the length that is characteristic of the epic.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ambushed- The tables have turned

How can I pen this feeling
to put into words
this dull ache that haunts my mind.
Denying that I love,
lying to my soul.

How do I express this thought
when I am bonded irreversibly
how can I unravel the cloth of this relation
that I myself wove into my heart?

In such a short time
an entire saga played out,
so many star crossed moments
too many misunderstandings
To be cast aside now.

The thought that punishes my mind
how can you walk away so calmly,
ripping this relation to shreds.
A torrent of feeling,
reckless , hidden behind a wall,
broken now,
You left, without thought.
Drowning now, realizing the blunder,
in illusion
I wonder...

How can you walk away so calmly
without turning back
To snare, like the Ego of the flame,
that demands the moth come closer,
wanting only to be adored,
The moth eagerly surrenders
This Flame, filled with that ego
will singe the wings
and destroy this creature
that desperately succumbed.

Without singed wings
now can one dare to fly,
left defeated, A bitter taste
pervades as I am left now
picking up the shards?
Enticed and snared
Risking a chance, I stumbled blindly
and you weren't there.

Time will cast what is form now
into but a shadow,
To appear suddenly and dance
against the back of my mind
at an unguarded moment
in years to come...

Tied now to the unrelenting
reality of the present,
I am faced with the immortal dilemma of
what is apparent, but tell me,
How can you?
Why did you dare?

Denying, defeated and rather optimistic



Anonymous said...

Check out this one... it's not similar but the moth is a witness to something else :)

Nandi23 said...

After thinking, and rethinking and trying to see things from both sides,
there is only one feeling that persists, the dull ache of betrayal, lies.
hence a moth is lured and betrayed by the selfish flame.

A timeless allegory of moth and flame, switching sides now, in his poem. it is beautiful, but I had to copy and paste the blogger link and then find the poem plus he doesn't allow comments?

This is why the tables have turned :)

Anonymous said...

and you know what the funniest thing is??
what you call a betrayal now, would sooner become 'a way of life',
thats how cruelly time plays its game,
where a point of sadness in history would be treated with least dignity
by the future,
by laughing it off just like that.

i was reading your "Above Man". Hard for a chavinist to bite, yet the truth can never be denied, and so your words would find a resonance in every man's thought..

the blog that i had mentioned had first exposed me to the moth-flame allegory of love, lust and betrayal.. to be charred in one's own desire is quite a thing and so that stayed in my mind.

I am not a regular at that blog but this poem had popped up randomly once and i saved it to "my favorites"