There are many repeated elements in these (poems),simply these elements are the muse that sustains my thought. My favorite form of poetry is the epic. From this I borrowed the style that narrates a story but due to a turbulent mind and a mercurial muse, many of these (poems) lack the length that is characteristic of the epic.

Friday, March 24, 2006

It is either black or white

There was black and there was white
The players lined up against each side
but did they notice that some were
perched on black and some on white,
All caught in the dark, none saw the light.
they waited with breath held tight,
unaware of what was day and what was night.
they just focused on that one ,
Neither foe nor comrade
Who was either black or white.
The flag was torn and a move was made,
with the blood of black and white
splilled over into a gloomy grey shade
the blend of black and white,
this did not end the fight, even when
between the shades of grey came
colors of every hue, they still insisted there
was only black or white and sought justice they felt due.
With more pieces falling off the board
as this game is played, sacrificing to a throne
that was neither white, black nor grey,
one king, one queen and so many drones, sadly
the throne changed to the mood of the game
black in the night,white in the day.
The inventor thought for a while
and then with a smile, thought and devised a plan
in came new players, not on the board but in hand,
they called some of them diamonds,
some of them spades
but on that board of black and white
they were still the same aces, jacks and kings
now not black or white, but disguised as diamonds,
clubs, ironically hearts or spades.
The players, true to their nature, expected
there was a revision
on either side of the game,
resulting in a divison , as this game is played.
Now back they are to black and white,
the players are still lined up
against each side,
After bloodshed the board is
filled with a crimson tide,
swallowing the black and white,
An ancient hand makes a move and,
the board is wiped clean
and on either side, white replaces black
and once black is now white.
Yet in a turn of time's swallowing hand
they line up again, black against white
continuing this fight,
they still insist that the dark is light.

Nandi 03-28-06

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice poem =)
And true.